School:  Caradale Primary School, Western Cape

Hero: Zoe Okkers

Grade:  7


Zoe Okkers was born with a terminal illness and have been on medication since birth. She was adopted at a very young age. Her story is one of the stories that inspire not only me as a teacher but her peers as well. Zoe is a firm believer in the strength of humanity. She lives by a code of sharing is caring. Just recently she practised that once again when she received a huge Easter Egg hamper and chose to share it with the children in her road. It’s the little big things she does that reminds me that we all have enough to give to someone else.

What gives you hope for the future of South Africa?

Zoe: The education in our country and the recreational activities that we have here.

What inspires you?

Zoe: The good qualities in people. So many people inspire me.

What advice would you give others?

Zoe: Focus on the good in people. See the good in people.
