Going back to school can be an exciting and stressful period for both parents and children. Not all children settle into the daily school routine. At the beginning or later part in the year, you may find yourself in a situation where your child doesn’t want to go to school. There are several reasons why this may be the case so, here are four things you can do when your child says no to school.
- Take your child seriously
Don’t be indifferent or forceful when your child is dealing with something stressful. It’s important to remain kind yet firm. Your child may not want to open up about what’s going on. Let them know that you respect them and want to help. Make time to hear their concerns where they have your full attention.
- Ask Questions
Kids don’t always know how to articulate what’s going on. Ask questions that will help you understand why they don’t want to go to school. Is there bullying taking place or are they anxious about the workload? Are they scared of failure or perhaps feel pressure to achieve academically? Put your detective cap on and try to get to the bottom of it without interrogating them. Sometimes it’s a minor issue that is easy to resolve.
- Engage the System
If things aren’t improving, it’s best to speak to the school. Their teacher/teachers can give you more insight into what’s going on in class. Has your child been more withdrawn? Are they experiencing any challenges they’re struggling to communicate with you? Is their schoolwork suffering? The school is there to help your child succeed. Your child’s teachers can provide extra support where they need it.
- Set clear routines on days off school
When your child does need to stay home on a school day, set up a routine similar to what they experience at school. This would include them getting up and dressed in time, completing their schoolwork, having breaks as they would at school, and limiting access to TV and internet and out of the home activities during school hours.
- https://www.understood.org/articles/en/what-to-say-when-kids-with-learning-and-thinking-differences-dont-want-to-go-to-school
- https://www.parents.com/kids/education/elementary-school/when-your-child-doesnt-want-to-go-to-school/
- https://www.greatschools.org/gk/articles/5-things-to-do-when-your-child-doesnt-want-to-go-to-school/
- https://theconversation.com/so-your-child-refuses-to-go-to-school-heres-how-to-respond-98935