I am Gugu Mvelase from Mcbain Charles Primary School and I teach Grade 6 and 7 Natural Science, Economic Management Science and Life Orientation

  1. What is the most inspiring experience that you’ve had as a teacher?

I began teaching in 2015. The most inspiring experience so far is seeing my first class of grade 7s being in grade 12 this year.

  1. What’s your secret superpower?

Being able to play multiple roles. Teachers are parents, friends, mediators, counsellors, and facilitators. The ability to accommodate different learning styles and cognitive levels is a powerful tool.

  1. What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened in the classroom?

The paintings ending up not just on the posters as they were supposed to but, on our faces, as well. The principal walking in on that😂. His face was priceless.

  1. What do you love most about being a teacher?

Changing lives. Teachers do not just help academically; they basically help learners with being orientated life-wise.

  1. What did you want to be when you were little?

A doctor… I’ve always wanted to help people.

  1. Who was your favourite female teacher when you were at school, and why?

Mam Phiona Hoeane Moticoe. My English and Life Orientation former educator. She always made us believe of greater possibilities that life has to offer despite our poor background.

  1. During this pandemic, what advice would you give to your learners and other educators?

That we shouldn’t lose focus or lose hope because of the pandemic. The goal is still changing the world and simple safety precautions can save lives.
