School:  Clayridge Primary School, KwaZulu-Natal

Hero: Leah Ramdhari

Grade:  7


Leah Ramdhari is a miracle learner. At 2 years old she was diagnosed with Rectoblastoma (cancer in the eye) and she required emergency surgery to remove the left eye as the cancer was spreading to the right eye. She needed chemotherapy for 6 months. Chemotherapy never helped and the cancer was spreading to the right eye. She was admitted into hospital and had to undergo radio therapy. This treatment too was unsuccessful. It left her deaf on the right hand side and she now uses a hearing aid. Leah has undergone laser treatment to stump the growth of the tumour in her eye. Presently her condition is stable. Her mother has the same condition and her dad has passed away. Leah comes from an impoverished background and is highly dependent on her Grandmother. What makes her a miracle learner is that, with her one eye and hearing impairment is able to cope with the level of work done in class. She cannot see the board and walks up to the front to read the words. She now outsmarts a normal learner. Her determination and perseverance is monumental. She is brilliant in her own sense. Her wish is to visit Cape Town and another hearing aid will indeed be of benefit to her.

What gives you hope for the future of South Africa?

Leah: My granny gives me hope because she encourages me to aspire to achieve my goals.

The government of South Africa also gives me hope that I will be educated to be a productive member of society.

What inspires you?

Leah: Artworks inspires me and the way animal’s behave – especially snowy my dog.

What advice would you give others?

Leah: To be a hero you must essentially be kind and respectful. You must be courageous to help others. You must respect teachers and parents.
