“Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give.” Ben Carson
The 5th of December is a day when the world recognises the immense value that volunteers in all fields bring to their communities. An estimated 970 million people globally are involved in volunteer work at some level. In schools, hospitals, neighbourhoods, social enterprise and when crises occur, people work to help each other and make life better. For 2020, the theme of the day is “Together we can, through volunteering.” This is fitting, as, during Covid-19, all kinds of volunteer work have sprung into being from providing medical care to shopping for those who are vulnerable and calling elderly folk who are experiencing isolation. More than ever, we have needed each other’s support to help us through.
Encouraging children to volunteer their time and efforts in meaningful areas gives them a channel to develop and express empathy. As they work to improve the lives of others, they learn how to be strong and resilient in the face of shocks and adversity. They also gain an appreciation for the good around them and discover the joy of collaborating with others to solve problems and improve situations. It gives them a wider perspective of the world than just their home or school, as well as a greater sense of the impact of their own actions on the environment and lives of others. Research shows that volunteering is also linked to improved health as it often involves being physically active.
Below are some ideas of how to interest children in the habit of volunteering. By patiently modelling the behavior as a parent and incorporating the child’s interests at an age-appropriate level, you can help them come to see it as natural way of being.
- Make and deliver food for a neighbor or someone who is ill or has just had a baby
- Help at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen setting tables or handing out food
- Clean up litter at a local beach, park or river with friends
- Plant trees or flowers in a public space or for someone who is not able to set up their own garden
- Help someone who is moving houses by packing or unpacking boxes and carrying items
- Make products that can be sold for a charity
- Help others with schoolwork that they don’t understand
- Visit animals at a rescue shelter or adopt
- Gather up clothes and bedding to give to those in need
- Make care packages for people in need containing essentials like soap, a bottle of water, hand wipes, tissues, toothbrush and toothpaste, plasters, socks, some dry food, peanut butter and so forth
- Donate toys to a nearby children’s home
- Take part in charity events such as fun runs
- Collect newspapers and drop them off at an animal shelter
- Walk or pet sit a neighbour’s dog
- Offer to help teachers at a local pre-school or primary school – playing with younger children, reading them stories or pre-cutting materials for lessons
- Participate in Christmas events at an elder-care facility by helping with decorations or playing a musical instrument
- Visit older people and listen to their stories
- Draw or colour in pictures to share as gifts or make greeting cards
Diez de Medina, R. (2017). Volunteers count. Their work deserves to be counted. | UNV. Unv.org. Retrieved 25 November 2020, from https://www.unv.org/swvr/volunteers-count-their-work-deserves-be-counted#:~:text=Global%20estimates%20place%20the%20number,published%20by%20John%20Hopkins%20University.
Hembree, J. (2020). 50 Kid Friendly Volunteering Ideas. Signupgenius.com. Retrieved 25 November 2020, from https://www.signupgenius.com/nonprofit/kid-friendly-volunteering.cfm.
Kids’ Health. (2019). Be a Volunteer (for Kids) – Nemours KidsHealth. Kidshealth.org. Retrieved 25 November 2020, from https://kidshealth.org/en/kids/volunteering.html.
Nations, U. (2020). International Volunteer Day | United Nations. United Nations. Retrieved 25 November 2020, from https://www.un.org/en/observances/volunteer-day.
Strobel, S. (2018). 10 Reasons Why Children Should Volunteer. Children’s Museum in Oak Lawn. Retrieved 25 November 2020, from https://www.cmoaklawn.org/blog/10-reasons-why-children-should-volunteer.