Child Health Month

Child Health Month

2020 has been a dramatic and unpredictable year so far and, for many of us, our heads are spinning with all the changes we are experiencing! During Child Health Month this August, we pause for a moment and consider how the children are doing in all of this. School...
Keeping kids busy so you have time for you!

Keeping kids busy so you have time for you!

Last month we spoke about the importance of self-care (click here if you missed the article). Now we know many of you, while reading the article, thought “they don’t know how busy my life is right now”. You did, didn’t you? We completely understand that finding time...
Staying on course

Staying on course

Author: Rebecca Phiyega No one in our lifetime could have anticipated the kind of year 2020 has turned out to be. The world, in a way, seems to feel like it is going through a whole shake-up. Not only that but the shake-up is playing itself out in more than one area...
International Day of Friendship

International Day of Friendship

In the time of Covid-19 we need our friends more than ever. Across the globe the ripple effects of the pandemic are being sorely felt, yet we are finding comfort and value in connecting with friends, old and new, in different ways than before. Social distancing has...
World Youth Skills Day

World Youth Skills Day

“People who are not on a journey never fall; then again, neither do they move forward.”  Pope Francis, 2020. 2020 is turning out very differently to what everyone expected! Walking about in public, seeing closed doors, empty shops and restaurants and almost everyone...