Women’s Month Teacher Q&A: K Govender (KZN)

Women’s Month Teacher Q&A: K Govender (KZN)

I am Miss K Govender, I’m an educator at Mahathma Primary School and a student at UKZN. I teach grade 3 English and Life Skills and grade 5 Afrikaans. What’s the most inspiring experience that you had as a teacher? There’s too many to choose from! I am inspired...
Women’s Month Teacher Q&A: Venessa Moodley (Gauteng)

Women’s Month Teacher Q&A: Venessa Moodley (Gauteng)

I am Venessa Moodley, and I am the principal of Actonville Primary School.   What is the most inspiring experience that you had as a Principal? An educator with passion does not have just one experience. A lifespan of 38 years in Education would give one a myriad...
Women’s Month Teacher Q&A: Gugu Mvelase (Gauteng)

Women’s Month Teacher Q&A: Gugu Mvelase (Gauteng)

I am Gugu Mvelase from Mcbain Charles Primary School and I teach Grade 6 and 7 Natural Science, Economic Management Science and Life Orientation What is the most inspiring experience that you’ve had as a teacher? I began teaching in 2015. The most inspiring experience...