I am Ms Nokukhanya Ntombikayise Dubazana from Nageng Primary School and I teach Grade 5 English and Natural Sciences.

  1. What is the most inspiring experience that you’ve had as a teacher?

What inspires me as a teacher is seeing learners improve in their schoolwork as well as confidence in themselves. And seeing them go to higher grades with the working hard attitude they got from my class.

  1. What’s your secret superpower?

I love all children; I love my job. I’m not only their teacher but I’m their sister, mother, friend and confidante.

  1. What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened in the classroom?

A learner came late one morning, and I had already started with my lesson. The learner knocked and greeted me formally and then asked to go to the toilet instead of apologizing for being late.

  1. What do you love most about being a teacher?

Assisting a child to know their capabilities and to be a better being, not just in the classroom but also when interacting with other teachers, learners, and the people in the community.

  1. What did you want to be when you were little?

I’ve always wanted to be a teacher from a young age. I remember we would play school with my friends back then and I would always be the teacher. I would even go to the extent of preparing tasks beforehand for when we played school.

  1. Who was your favourite female teacher when you were at school, and why?

I used to love Mrs Sithole who was my grade 1 and 2 teacher. She loved all of us in our class and to her we were all equal. I would always be excited to go to school and meet her. She made learning fun!

  1. During this pandemic, what advice would you give to your learners and other educators?

To try and use this time to our best abilities. To the teachers, this is the time to turn to E-Learning because you can access it wherever you are, using just your phone or/and computer. To remind them that this will be our new normal, therefore we must move with the times. And as much as it will be difficult in our township schools, it is possible.

To the learners. To not panic! To always look after themselves, wash their hands, sanitize, keep the required distance from one another, take care of themselves and those around them. To always listen to each other and encourage one another. If you know better, explain, and share with other kids. And most of all, teachers are always there to listen to whatever they might be going through be it at home or at school.
