Maths is one of those subjects that seem to intimidate both children and adults. We carry our negative feelings about long-division or BODMAS into adulthood. Then, unconsciously, we pass those feelings to our children. Maths shouldn’t be intimidating. Here are a few ways to help your kids learn to love maths!
- Don’t bad mouth maths
Don’t speak negatively about the subject. If children see and hear you painting maths in a negative light, they’ll naturally adopt a similar mindset. It’s important to highlight the good and helpful things about maths. Most importantly – don’t let your child know you battled with the subject (should this be the case). They may assume that because you struggled with it, they will as well.
- Play games
Games like Monopoly, dice games, puzzles and even card games all have research support to prove they better basic maths skills. A good foundation in maths is important as it builds each year in the curriculum, and this can only be done through practicing different problems in different areas in order to master the concept and develop speed and accuracy in solving the problem. Just like a house, if the foundation is not strong and solid, cracks will form as you build.
- Incorporate maths into daily activities
A lot of daily activities require maths. From taking measurements when cooking or baking to how much water we drink – numbers are everywhere! Start taking note of your surroundings and have your children start doing the same. Ask engaging questions like ‘how many glasses of water in this glass makes a litre?’ Show your kids where maths is found in nature – spiders use maths to build their web, bees build hexagonal combs – the child can see it (visual), you are explaining it (audio) and they can touch it (tactical).
- Explore the internet
YouTube Kids and other online platforms have fun and engaging activities in maths. If your child enjoys their screen time and playing games – why not introduce them to maths games like the ones available on Math Playground.
- Read books about maths
We read books about history and science all the time. Don’t abandon books about mathematical concepts after your kids learn to count to ten. Teach your kids number sense and encourage higher-level maths thinking with a math-themed / math-related book.
- But why is maths important?
We know we use maths in the kitchen, to work out travel, to check expenses etc., but maths provides us with so much more than this. The qualities maths is able to teach children include critical thinking, abstract or spatial thinking, problem solving, creativity, power of reasoning and even communication skills. As children start to get older, many don’t understand why they need to learn maths. Thinking a subject is redundant will stop them from working at it. Ensure you explain the importance of maths to your children. We hope these tips will help you help your kids love maths! Check out our FREE educational material here.