Mrs Flandorp – Sullivan Primary School

  1. What is your current role within the education space?

I’m a Grade 4 educator at Sullivan Primary School. I have been in education for about 20 years, enriching young minds one soul at a time.

  1. What inspired you to follow this career path?

Two things I hold dear to my heart is children and community. I’ve always loved interacting with children, and I believe in the power of community. So teaching is the perfect vehicle to merge my love with my belief.

  1. What do you love most about what you do?

Guiding these young curious, inquisitive minds to find solutions and the fact that I can play a part to encourage them to reach and use their full potential.

  1. What attributes, do you feel, are important for success in your role?

Passion. Patience. Motivation. Empathy. Respect.

  1. What obstacles in life have you had to overcome, and what did you learn?

Being at different schools where each one has their own unique way of doing things, made me a stronger and better person. It taught me perseverance and to endure if you want to attain your goals. It also taught me how to deal with different situations.

  1. What advice do you have for young girls?

To be independent and motivated. To go for what they want to achieve in life and to be strong leaders in their families and their communities.
